aTV and film director, producer, editor and writer
Tony Shyu is a TV and film director, producer, editor and writer at Himalaya Entertainment, Imprenta production. He produces films for television, film, commercial production, and non-profit organizations. His specialties are directing TV commercials, narrative and documentary films. In addition to his work, Tony produces Masterclass-type workshop videos to educate filmmakers.
A noted award-winning screenwriter and a film director, Tony’s debut novel was Macau Omen, which has won numerous awards including Best Screenplay at Gotham film awards, Winner of 2018 Independent Horror Movie Awards - Best feature film script. Winner of 2018 Global film festival award – Best feature film screenplay.
Tony produced and directed the award-winning commercial for AAPI featuring John Cho, George Takei, and Constance Wu. That commercial received the Best PSA by videographer award.
Tony produced, directed, and edited the documentary feature film The Race Epidemic. An official selection of 2021 CAAM Film Festival, 2021 Columbia Film Festival, 2021 Los Angeles Asian Film Festival, 2021 Rhode Island Film Festival.
As commercial director, Tony created over 40 commercials in the United States and Taiwan including: MTV Promo, Avon, Volvo, beauty products, movie trailer, Lipovitan Sports Drink, Dececco Pasta, Marvin Window, Clearly Canadian.
Tony earned his MFA at the Art Center, College of Design in Pasadena.
Link to Tony’s project and showreels: